Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer Fun

Zach and I just got back a couple days ago from our MI trip, it was a blast! We got to visit with all of Zach's family and friends and I even got to meet Zach's 2 uncles that I hadn't gotten to meet yet so that was really nice. A highlight of our trip was my first Apple Fritter from Erie Orchard. Is it sad that I am still thinking about that apple fritter? It was just SO good! Diesel did really good on the trip, he was FANTASTIC in the car rides, on the way home it took 15 hours and he was just perfect! The picture of him above is him exhausted from playing so much on our trip :)
Zach's cousins Amber and Leigh are in town right now and yesterday we went up to the mountains with Colleen and visted Grandfather Mountain. The picture above is of us in the park on the way to the top of the mountain. Once we got to the top it was so windy and there is a bridge you have to walk across, well we got to the other side and it started to rain on us! Luckily the rain didn't last long and it ended up to be a beautiful day. We then took them to the candy store at the Mass General store, although Colleen and I were the only two that got bags of candy, imagine that! :)
The last picture above is all the veggies I picked from our garden tonight!! We are having Erin up for Leigh and Amber's last night on Friday night and I think we are going to make homemade pizza with all our veggies, yum!
In wedding news, I'm going Saturday for a practice run on my hair, I haven't decided how I want it yet but I'm excited to go see what they can do with it! Also, our invitations have arrived! Be on the lookout for them around the beginning of August!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wedding Planning is in FULL force!

My mom came up to visit us over the long 4th of July weekend and we went full force into wedding planning! Even Zach got into it, you can see him and my mom in one of pictures above at the event rental place talking over our centerpieces. I have to give him credit, he has had some really good decorating ideas and even came up with one of our centerpieces! My mom, what a trooper! I'm seriously not kidding when I say she should be a wedding planner, we got so much accomplished when she was here, we both feel alot better and prepared for the big day that is less than 3 months away!!! We did fit in a little non-wedding events and the one picture above is of Diesel watching fireworks. We met my brother and his girlfriend Sarah down near Lake Norman and watched a good show. Diesel did good, the finale kinda freaked him out since it was so loud though. The other picture above was of him getting a bath the day his grandma came to visit, he likes to look his best when we have company! This Thursday Zach, Diesel and I are going to go up to Michigan!! I am so excited to get to visit with Zach's Grandparents and the rest of his family up there!! We will stay until Monday and that is gonna be our last trip until our honeymoon so we are ready!! Check back after next weekend and I'm sure I'll have some good pictures to post from our trip!