Sunday, August 22, 2010

Spa Day!!

This past Tuesday Colleen took me and Erin to a spa in Asheville called the Grove Park Inn and boy was it nice!! We had massages first then had the rest of the day to relax around the pools. The outside pool was beautiful and overlooked the mountains, the indoor pools had music under the water and there was a steam room with a temperature of 140 degrees! The pictures above are all from the Grove Park Inn, the actual Inn itself is just beautiful! We had such a fun day and topped it off with a stop at Coldstone on the way home!
This next week is one I have had circled on my calendar for a long time, next Saturday is my bridal shower and bachelorette party! My best friends Aimee and Beth are getting in on Thursday and my mom and Aunt are getting here on Friday! I am looking forward to a fun girls weekend!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

2 months away!

2 months from tomorrow I will be a Drager!! Things around here have been good, we took a break from wedding things after we sent the invites out and got the rest of the inside of the house painted. Also, back on July 27th, we celebrated Bella's 4th Birthday, as you can see above, me and Diesel threw her a party and unfortunately Zach was gone at work so he missed it.
We also have been using our grill every weekend and Zach is quite the grill master :) We made ribs, grilled pita with hummus, grilled potatoes and a nice salad for dinner last night. Now you may look at the photo above and say "wow, Zach and Jaclyn must have had people over for dinner" Nope! If you know anything about the Drager's its that they like good food, make amazing meals and have PLENTY of food! Zach has of course inherited that trait and I am reaping the benefits (plus having to do additional workouts! :)) Today Zach also decided to start canning. Now this is a new process to me as he likes to call me "city girl" I must admit, I was kinda grossed out by his canning process, mainly because I don't like okra and putting a hard boiled egg in a can just looks gross. Zach however was in heaven canning for over an hour in the kitchen! Well Zach's off again tonight to TN and right now Diesel is looking at me with his ball in his mouth so I better go play with him outside :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wedding Invitations, 2nd Anniversary, House Projects, Oh My!

We finally got our wedding invitations out in the mail this past Friday (picture above), so be on the lookout! Now that those are out, I will work on our programs and candy bags for the candy bar (my mom ordered 81 POUNDS of candy for the candy bar!! She is the best!). Also, one of the things I love about Zach is that he always wants to work on something around the house. I love that he always wants to work so hard for us and better our house, but I think right now with all the wedding stuff we are working on might not be the best time to repaint the inside of our house. Well we decided to do it anyways and decided to do the wall with the fireplace a dark color (picture above) and we are doing the other walls a lighter color. Now that we've started I'm really glad we did do it and we had a fun day today figuring out paint colors and then actually painting. Although Diesel and Bella are completely confused as to why our furniture is all pushed to the middle of the room and they can't get to their spots on the couch. Also today, August 1st is our 2 year anniversary! Zach got me the best present, a soft serve icecream machine!! We used it tonight and it was so delicious!! Zach said he'd never seen me so happy, I told him he could have saved himself alot of money and just bought me this machine instead of a ring! :)
Just kidding, I'm glad he got me that ring, I can't believe that 2 years ago I got so lucky to have Zach ask me out on a date and now we are 2 months away from being married!!