Sunday, August 8, 2010

2 months away!

2 months from tomorrow I will be a Drager!! Things around here have been good, we took a break from wedding things after we sent the invites out and got the rest of the inside of the house painted. Also, back on July 27th, we celebrated Bella's 4th Birthday, as you can see above, me and Diesel threw her a party and unfortunately Zach was gone at work so he missed it.
We also have been using our grill every weekend and Zach is quite the grill master :) We made ribs, grilled pita with hummus, grilled potatoes and a nice salad for dinner last night. Now you may look at the photo above and say "wow, Zach and Jaclyn must have had people over for dinner" Nope! If you know anything about the Drager's its that they like good food, make amazing meals and have PLENTY of food! Zach has of course inherited that trait and I am reaping the benefits (plus having to do additional workouts! :)) Today Zach also decided to start canning. Now this is a new process to me as he likes to call me "city girl" I must admit, I was kinda grossed out by his canning process, mainly because I don't like okra and putting a hard boiled egg in a can just looks gross. Zach however was in heaven canning for over an hour in the kitchen! Well Zach's off again tonight to TN and right now Diesel is looking at me with his ball in his mouth so I better go play with him outside :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited that you are blogging!! I can't wait for your wedding!!
